We've only been in school for a couple of weeks and I've already failed two math quizzes. I now officially hate math. My friends told me math stands for Mental Abuse To Humans. I did a Google search to find out how many kids hate math. It didn't give me a number but it seems to be common since there are a lot of articles like this one I found titled "Why So Many Students Hate Math (And How to Fix It)."
A couple of reasons the articles mentions are it requires a lot of memorization and it requires a lot of mistakes. I have a really bad memory and I REALLY hate making mistakes.
The article had an interesting link to another article called "What is Math Anxiety?" I think I have this. The article said the main causes of math anxiety are:
pressure caused by time limits on tests
fear of public embarrassment
influence of teachers
The article said some the symptoms math anxiety are:
unusual nervousness when doing math
passive behavior (unwilling to try because I don't want to fail)
a feeling of being alone (that I'm the only one getting it wrong)
a feeling of permanency (that I'm forever going to be bad at math)
lack of confidence
panic during tests or when called on
The article had a link to this video that gave some ways to help reduce math anxiety by doing things like using math by playing board games or cooking. It also mentions doing homework and taking your time while doing tests.
Here's another video I found that gives more suggestions to parents. This one's more for younger kids like my brother. Hopefully he won't hate math.